Hair Style Tips

Messy Bun Hairstyle: Trendy Variants For You To Choose

Woman with Messy Bun Hairstyle

Messy bun hairstyle is one of the most versatile hairstyles, appropriate both at home, at work, on vacation, and even at a wedding. After reading our article, you will learn how to make hairstyles according to the simple instructions of professional stylists that you will find further.

Who Is the Messy Bun Hairstyle For?

The messy bun is a hairstyle that suits almost everyone - both curly and straight-haired girls. Having picked up the desired model, you can correct the shape of the head and face and visually "stretch" the neck, and even make the figure slimmer.

Some Simple Key Rules About Creating Messy Bun Hair

Woman with oval faces and medium length hair have the type of face and physique for getting a messy bun. Almost all possible hairstyle variations suit them.

A high bun on the top of the head with bangs, side strands that visually narrow the face, and for girls with a triangular face - side bunches with long oblique bangs, which visually narrow the forehead and expand the chin, are suitable for a square face.

With a large physique, the bun can be voluminous (for example, created with a roller or donut), while the styling itself should not be too smooth - a light bouffant is welcomed.

  • Hair length and thickness

Girls of average height are the best candidates for a bun. A short, lush bun is a great way to add height, and very tall girls should fix it in the lower part of the back of the head or on the side - this will harmonize the image.

  • Neck length

Any messy bun hair opens the neck, emphasizing it. If the neck is long, this is definitely a plus. But what if a girl cannot boast of such a feature? The way out is to do a low bun: this will shift the emphasis from the neck, visually lengthening it.

using a bun wedding hairstyle

How To Do a Messy Bun for Your Hair Type

For long or short hair, tall or short, romantic or mischievous - we master the theory of the bun and put it into practice.

Messy Bun for Long Hair

  1. Comb through your clean, dry, loose hair and apply styling mousse.
  2. Lightly comb the curls.
  3. Tie the tail, not too tight, and wrap it in a tourniquet.
  4. Wrap the resulting hair spiral around the elastic and secure the result with invisible or usual hairpins.
  5. Slightly loosen the bun with your fingers to add volume and secure with varnish.

Messy Bun for Medium Hair

  1. Comb the curls, apply a styling mousse and divide them with a side or straight parting into two equal parts.
  2. Take both strands in your hands and tie them in a knot.
  3. Repeat the movement, forming another knot and another if the length permits.
  4. Twist the resulting chain inward, forming a bun and tucking the tip of the hair inward.
  5. Fix the result using pins and varnish.

Messy Bun For Short Hair

  1. Comb your curls, apply styling mousse and create curls with a curling iron or curler.
  2. Tie your hair into a mini ponytail at the back of your head.
  3. Comb the resulting tail.
  4. Gently straighten the hair, styling the strands so that they give the impression of a bun.
  5. Using a pin and varnish, fix the styling.

products for hairstyling placed on the table

7 Styling Products and Accessories for A Messy Bun Hairstyle

  1. Roller

A ring made of foam rubber or other porous synthetic material, which is put on the base of the tail, wrapped in hair, and attached with an elastic band to add volume to the bundle.

  1. Bagel

This ring is made not of foam rubber, but of artificial hair. The accessory can be used on very short curls as an imitation of a bun. An important condition: the color of artificial hair should match the color of natural hair as much as possible.

  1. Sophist-twister

Popular in the 90s, this hair clip allows you to create trendy buns of various shapes with a minimum of effort. It is also convenient to use on damp hair to create lush curls, which are the perfect base for a voluminous, messy bun.

  1. Hairpins or invisible pins

We fix lush and large bundles with hairpins, miniature versions with invisible ones.

  1. Styling mousse, foam, or spray

They will help make hair thicker and more manageable when styling. Thermo treatment increases hair density and elasticity.

  1. Hairspray

Fixes the result and prolongs the life of the styling. Medium hold products are best.

Helpful Tips When Doing Messy Bun Hair

What else do you need to know about creating messy bun hair?

  • To save time creating curls, braid your damp hair and let it dry overnight. In the morning, all you have to do is undo the braids and start creating the styling.
  • The hairstyle will last longer if done on clean strands, lightly combing them before creating the styling.
  • If you cannot wash your hair, comb it thoroughly with a natural bristle brush: it not only combs but also cleans it from dirt.
  • To ensure that sloppy ends knocking out of the styling do not spoil the whole picture, first wind them up before starting to create a hairstyle.
woman with a messy hair bun

Bulky Messy Bun Hairstyle with Elastic Bands and Hairpins

This is the easiest way to create a bundle. It is also suitable for short hair, but the longer it is, the more voluminous the hairstyle will turn out.

The result should not be very neat, negligence will not hurt here, so such a bundle will help out in those moments when you need to look good, and you no longer have time to wash your hair. This version of the bundle also holds the hair securely, so it is perfect for sports.

How to do a messy bun with bands and pins

  • Gather your hair in a ponytail, fix it with an elastic band. It is more convenient to use special elastic bands with hooks, they hold the best and do not damage the hair. You can find these in professional hairdressing stores. But ordinary ones are also fine.
  • Comb your hair and twist it into a voluminous plait, or braid it into a loose braid. Wrap it around the base of the tail.
  • Secure the result with a few pins, the protruding ends can be left as they are or fixed with invisible ones.

Such a bun can look both sporty and elegant. For a classic look, use a straightener and shine product, or for a casual look, pretreat hair with a texturizing spray and loosen the brand.

woman with a professional hair bun look

Bulky Messy Bun Hairstyle with A Donut

Another easy way is to make a bun using a special "donut" , similar to a dishwashing sponge. Finding one is easy - they are sold in specialized stores, as well as in the accessories departments.

"Donuts" come in different colors and sizes, it all depends on the desired volume of the hairstyle. This style starts off from a ponytail hairstyle.

Steps To Make a Donut Bun

  • Gather your hair in a ponytail, tie it with an elastic band. The ponytail can be high or low, depending on what kind of hairstyle you want.
  • Pass the tail through the donut hole as if it were just another elastic band.
  • Tilt your head so that the hair is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the donut. You can fix their position with another elastic band.
  • Tuck the remaining free ends of the strands under the bun. If they are too long, you can wrap them around the base.
  • Secure your hair with hairpins and bobby pins. For an even more “glossy” result, use hairspray or shine spray.

Choose your favorite variant of messy bun hairstyle from JuvaBun and try to do it now!

Read Also: 

How To Make A Messy Bun?

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