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Despite the beautiful appearance that any woman can create, almost everyone has our little secrets that we don't want to share with others, which can spoil our mood.
It is only at first glance that it seems that beautiful hair is beautiful in itself, and for it to look great, its owner does not make almost any effort.
Hair that has absolutely no problems is the exception rather than the rule.
Usually, women have to put in a lot of effort, solving all sorts of tasks that nature has set for them. And one of these tasks is caring for different hair types.
Of course, the most optimal hair type is normal, the care of which consists only in the use of high-quality products. But even such hair modern women manage to make problematic.
But oily hair or dry hair is already a reason for a more active search for suitable products since improperly selected care can only aggravate the problem and not solve it.
Oily Hair Care
“I washed my hair only in the evening, and in the morning, my hair became oily,” such complaints can be heard from many women who have faced such a problem as oily hair. Indeed, this hair type gives the owners a lot of problems. But if you know how to care for such a chevelure, you can significantly improve its condition.
First of all, you need to understand that frequent cleaning can remove only the consequences, not the problem.
Some owners of oily hair type, in search of a solution to their problem, wash their hair several times a day. But this, of course, is not an option.
Moreover, the more often you wash your chevelure, the more the head skin adapts to such frequent washing, producing more sebum.
As a result, with frequent cleaning, even normal chevelure quickly becomes oily.
What if you have oily hair?
Of course, you don't need to wash your chevelure much less often and walk with oily hair, complaining about this. At the same time, the usual care for oily chevelure must be supplemented with special products, some of which you can even prepare yourself. Moreover, you must adhere to some recommendations that will not aggravate the problem.
Every owner of oily chevelure knows that hair of this type is the result of increased sebum secretion of the head skin. Based on this, the first thing to do is reduce sebum secretion or not stimulate it.
It is necessary to give up frequent head massages and too regular combing of chevelure. The first tip will help avoid the phenomenon of oily chevelure at the roots, and the second will help prevent the rapid distribution of sebum along the entire length of the hair.
Nutrition affects the condition of your hair. Oily, salty, and spicy foods contribute to the increased production of fat by the head skin and makes your scalp sensitive. Want to fix your oily chevelure problem? Then cut back on these foods.
When looking for cosmetics for different hair types, you need to pay attention to the products that are right for you.
How to wash your hair?
You need to use different methods to cleanse different types of hair. Rub aloe juice into your head skin before cleaning. It has a balancing effect on the head skin. And do not use too hot water to wash your head, as it dries out the skin, which instantly reacts to, increasing the production of sebum.
When applying shampoo, pay special attention to the chevelure roots, as oily hair type shampoo may be too aggressive for the ends. It is especially true for those who have oily chevelure roots and dry ends. Just apply the shampoo to the roots, and it will be distributed over the rest of the length when you rinse, and that will be enough.
Use warm water at a comfortable temperature, or even better, for this purpose, use nettle infusion, which is quite easy to prepare to wash off cosmetics with different hair types.
Pour two tablespoons of nettle with a liter of boiling water to prepare such an infusion. Boil the resulting mixture, let it brew for 15 minutes, and then strain.
It is better to use the lightest care products for oily hair types.
However, dry hair ends may require additional maintenance. In this case, apply nourishing and moisturizing products only along the length, avoiding the roots.
Some special washable masks and infusions do not need to be washed off for owners of different hair types.
A homemade mask for oily chevelure made from egg whites gives an excellent effect. It is a foam obtained by whipping 1-2 egg whites. This mask must be rubbed into the head skin and left to dry completely before shampooing. Then wash your chevelure well.
Dry Hair Type
You may naturally have different hair types, but often women dry their chevelure. It is facilitated by both banal and habitual drying with a hairdryer, color change, perm, and straightening. Any thermal effect on the chevelure leads to the fact that you end up with dry split ends.
Colored chevelure is almost always had with a porous structure and split ends. What does porous structure mean? Such chevelure has many pores, empty spaces that were previously filled with useful substances that make up the hair. These beneficial substances are washed out along with the natural pigment during coloring, and as a result, you get dry, damaged chevelure.
It is difficult to refuse to dry with a hairdryer, painting, and styling, but you need to keep such procedures a minimum.
Different hair types require special handling. Dry chevelure does not like frequent washing, which is accompanied by drying with a hairdryer. Ideally, they should be washed no more than once a week.
Dry chevelure care
Caring for dry chevelure is significantly different from caring for normal and from caring for oily hair type.
Care for dyed chevelure also involves the use of cosmetics that fix the color.
Ideally, owners of dry chevelure should start cleaning their heads not with shampoo, but with vegetable oils as compresses. Homemade masks, applied before shampooing, also perfectly nourish the hair and head skin.
What vegetable oils are suitable for these purposes? Almost any. Burdock, olive oil, and other oils are known for their nutritional properties and do an excellent job.
Apply the oil of your choice all over your chevelure, paying special attention to the ends, wrap your head in cellophane, and then cover it with a towel. The effect of such a mask can be felt immediately if you hold it on your chevelure for at least an hour. After this time, wash well with shampoo, and apply special cosmetics.
A nourishing homemade mask for dry chevelure is prepared as follows. Mix 20 grams of castor oil with the same amount of unrefined vegetable oil, and add 10 grams of shampoo to the resulting mixture. Apply the mask to all lengths and use a comb to spread it over.
After combing your hair for 2-3 minutes, rinse the mask with water and continue with the shampooing procedure. This mask nourishes the hair along the entire length well, makes it more elastic and shiny. Moreover, you can apply a similar mask for different hair types, as long as you avoid the roots.
Hair treatment must be carried out not only with the help of folk remedies. The right choice of cosmetics is also the way to beautiful chevelure.
Shampoo for damaged hair
The best shampoo for damaged chevelure should be rich in all kinds of oils, vitamins, and moisturizing ingredients. Many manufacturers add vitamin B5, which is beneficial for hair and head skin.
Owners of dry chevelure cannot do without cosmetics applied after shampoo and have a regenerating, moisturizing, and nourishing effect.
But what about the split ends? A mask for dry hair ends is the same product that you apply to the entire length of your chevelure. There are special products designed specifically for split hair ends. These are serums and oils used exclusively to the ends of the chevelure and are not washed off.
It is almost impossible to heal the split ends completely. They can only be temporarily glued together using special means, and only a radical haircut method can get rid of them. A haircut with hot scissors gives good results, but in any case, you need to trim the ends at least once every two months. It is the only way to avoid the appearance of split ends.
Hair Problems Only Get Worse with Age
Caring for gray chevelure has its own characteristics. Modern cosmetology advises to either dye gray chevelure with persistent dyes, which most women do, or wash it with special shampoos.
Dyed chevelure is a reason to visit a hairdresser or carry out dyeing at home on average once every 3-5 weeks, depending on the growth rate.
Different hair types require special attention when grooming. Considering our recommendations and your chevelure properties, you can select those care products that will give the expected result.
How to Care for Hair Extensions?
If you have artificial hair, it needs gentle care. Damp artificial chevelure should not be combed. It is better to use a wood comb; you can use a brush with natural bristles for such chevelure. If you suddenly become tangled in fake curls, use a spray conditioner.
How to wash fake hair strands?
Artificial chevelure cleaning is the most crucial moment. Professionals advise using neutral cosmetics. Remember to avoid moisturizers; they can ruin synthetic hair. It is best to wash them every three months.
Use soft, warm water. Add shampoo to water and soak your chevelure there. Soak them in the solution for 10 minutes, then rinse well with cool water. Do not forget to use conditioner after washing artificial chevelure; it will soften the strands. It is better to dry them out on a towel.
For more tips on hair care, Visit JuvaBun!