Hair Care

How to Get Silky Smooth Hair? - JuvaBun

How to Get Silky Smooth Hair?
super brown hair

Every girl wants to have smooth, shiny, and silky hair, and everyone wonders how to add shine to hair? This can be achieved not only in a beauty salon but also at home, using recipes with which your chevelure will be transformed in a very short time.

It takes a lot of effort to keep your chevelure smooth and silky. The increasingly popular hair straightening procedure in beauty salons only confirms the concern of girls with this issue.

It's no secret that the health, strength, and beauty of chevelure depend on the health of the body as a whole, as well as on nutrition and daily use of clean water.

How to get silky hair? The first thing you need to do is take care of your diet and choose the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair.

Why does hair lose shine and silkiness?

Dull, dry, and weak chevelure can be caused by:

  • Improper nutrition.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chemical perm.
  • Frequent use of iron and curling iron.
  • Incorrectly selected care.
  • Aggressive exposure to sunlight or vice versa, cold.
  • Shampooing with hard water.
  • Using excessive amounts of styling products.
  • Using dirty combs and rough chevelure handling (combing wet, washing chevelure with hot water, using metal hairpins and rubber bands).

Wash your chevelure with warm water, not hot; this is one of the most common reasons why chevelure loses its smoothness, silkiness, and shine. In the end, you can even rinse with cool water to smooth out the scales.

Homemade masks to get silky hair

The mask is done before shampooing; all mask ingredients are natural and beneficial for both chevelure and skin. You will need:

  • Ten drops of avocado oil.
  • Ten drops of flaxseed oil.
  • Ten drops of honey.
  • Twenty drops of aloe juice.
  • Five drops of vitamin A.
  • Five drops of vitamin E.
  • One egg yolk.

Combine all ingredients and heat to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots and spread over the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash it off with shampoo; such a mask can be done once a week.

The mask nourishes the chevelure with useful substances, makes it stronger, and healthier, and perfectly cares for its length. At the end of the treatment, apply conditioner for hair to make the effect last longer.

Find the right shampoo

Find the right shampoo

How to get silky smooth hair? For this, it is essential to choose the right cosmetics for your chevelure. When selecting care products for shine, smoothness, and silkiness of chevelure, look in the composition for such components like lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, herbal extracts, aloe extract, oils; there are even special series for chevelure shine, which include shampoo, conditioner for hair, mask, leave-in. The main thing to remember is that the shampoo needs to be selected according to the skin type.

Do not apply shampoo to all your chevelure; it is enough to lather only the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo from the head, it will flow through the chevelure and rinse the length of the chevelure. Always rinse off the shampoo thoroughly to prevent it from sticking to your hair and skin.

Exfoliate your skin

Scrub for the skin helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells, sebum, styling products, silicones, and other impurities. Besides, the scrub is a good silky hair treatment. You can buy the scrub ready-made in the store; many manufacturers have introduced such a product into their chevelure care lines. You can also make it at home, for this you will need:

  • Little sea salt (fine or medium ground).
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil (rosemary, bay, lavender, orange).
  • Ten drops of base oil (olive, almond, avocado, wheat germ, pumpkin)

Exfoliation is done on dirty chevelure before shampooing. You need to do the scrub before the application itself. Peeling is done on damp skin; you first need to wet the skin a few minutes under a warm shower. On the partings, start rubbing the mixture, but just rub it into the skin, do not touch the chevelure. Then carefully massage the skin, but without pressing hard, there should be no pain. Massage for about five minutes and leave the mixture on your chevelure for another five minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

Peeling can be done every two weeks if the skin is normal or oily and once a month if the skin is dry or sensitive.

These silky hair treatments make your chevelure healthier, cleanse it well and prepare it for the next treatment, especially if you strengthen it with strengthening products.

Rinsing for silky hair

Rinse your chevelure with herbs, lemon, or apple cider vinegar for soft, shiny, and smooth chevelure.

Rinsing for silky hair

  • If you want to make your chevelure soft and silky with the help of herbs, then the following herbs are suitable for you: chamomile, linden, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, lavender.

Herbs need to be boiled with boiling water, in the ratio of 20 drops of herbs to a glass of water. For chevelure of medium length, one liter of decoction is enough. You need to pour boiling water over it and boil for another 10-15 minutes, and then let it infuse and cool to brew the herb. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and already rinsed with it.

  • For silky chevelure, use an emollient apple cider vinegar or lemon juice rinse. You need to take 20 drops of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice and dilute in a liter of boiled water for one procedure. You need to rinse your chevelure with this mixture; the result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

After rinsing, the chevelure scales will be pressed tightly together, leaving hair looking smooth, soft, and shiny.

Silky hair treatment cream for hair ends

The composition of the cream is completely natural and very useful; it contains the best oils for chevelure length, which nourish and care for any type of chevelure. You will need:

  • Ten drops olive oil
  • Ten drops of jojoba oil
  • 15 drops coconut oil.
  • 15 drops of shea butter.
  • Fifteen drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
  • Little of wax.

First, you need to melt the base oils along with the wax in a water bath, and when the oils cool slightly, add the essential oil. The oils will thicken, and you should have a fairly thick yellow cream, which you should keep in the refrigerator.

This cream is applied to clean, damp chevelure after washing, and you do not need a lot of it, literally a drop, the cream needs to be rubbed in your palms and then rubbed into the ends of the chevelure, it is advisable not to touch the length, only the ends since the cream can grease the chevelure, especially thin. But when the hair dries, the ends look flawless.

Hair becomes soft, silky, and shiny. Moreover, the cream prevents hair-splitting and cares for the ends.

Using homemade chevelure ends cream with these simple recipes, your chevelure will always be in perfect condition; just remember that it requires constant and systematic care.


Read also: How To Care For Your Hair To Make It Shiny?

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