Hair Care

10 Hair Masks For Dry, Damaged, Split and Oily Hair

hair mask recipes at home

Natural hair mask works faster than regular repair sprays. The whole secret is that cosmetics include a high concentration of useful and valuable components that affect the chevelure cuticle.

Beauty brands offer a wide range of beauty products, but sometimes simple home-made chevelure restoration cosmetic recipes can be more effective. You will learn the most popular recipes in this article to help your chevelure look healthier and more beautiful.

hair oil and dropper

What are the types of natural hair masks?

You will have to carry out cosmetic procedures at home, not once but weekly for two to three months, to get a positive effect. However, the result will justify all the costs. Even sore or damaged chevelure can be restored by selecting the right product. You can choose one option to solve a specific cosmetic problem; it is unnecessary to alternate cosmetics.

The most common are the following types of commodities:

  • For dried chevelure. It is produced for intensive moisturising as a result of what the chevelures will stop breaking and exfoliating. The chevelure acquires a beautiful and healthful look.
  • To increase chevelure length. If you need to have a long, healthy chevelure, unique formulations can increase the size and hold your roots healthy.
  • Strengthening. It is suitable for owners of rare and weak chevelure; long-term strengthening will return density and strength. This option is ideal for owners of coloured chevelure, strengthening assistance to restore the structure after intense exposure to chemicals.
  • For split ends. Specific commodities assistance to cope with this and let the chevelure a healthy look.
  • From falling out. Correctly selected commodity avert chevelure loss and accelerate increase; this allows you to maintain your chevelure’s goodliness, regardless of age.

You can also look for special cosmetics to combat dandruff, hair shine, protection against excessive fragility, and another purpose. The best chevelure cosmetics at home allow you to provide care as well as in the salon, while the preparation costs will be very small.

Moreover, you can use chevelure extensions while you restore your own. Natural hair masks are good for strengthening and creation gloss for your wig.

Self-preparation of a commodity for the health of curls has a few advantages:

  • Low cost. An effective remedy can be created with the components at hand.
  • Environmental friendliness. You will have complete confidence that there are no aggressive substances in the composition. For cooking, natural ingredients are used.
  • Complex effect. Almost every natural component gives a natural shine, saturates the chevelure with vitamins and beneficial substances, and lets fragility and chevelure loss.

As for the disadvantages of home commodities for chevelure, these are:

  • Time to prepare. The store’s mask just needs to be applied to the strands, and the home remedy should be prepared first. Moreover, you have to tinker with some funds for a long time.
  • It can only be used at home. There are not always the necessary conditions for chevelure cosmetics’ correct preparation on vacation, business trip or a visit.
  • Low efficiency. You need to carry out the procedure 3-4 times a week, hold the cosmetic for about 30-60 minutes to achieve the desired result.
  • Not all-natural components are entirely harmless. Certain herbs, oils, and foods can cause severe allergic reactions. This must be considered before choosing a specific recipe.

Let's take a closer look at several common recipes that have proven their effectiveness.

ingredients for hair mask

Features of hair masks at home

1. Coconut hair mask 

The home chevelure cosmetic is a must-have remedy for any season. You need coconut oil to make it at home. It contains many acids that saturate the chevelure and help retain humidity in the cuticle. Use the butter to the entire length of your chevelure, excluding the roots and skin. You need to keep it for around 40 minutes and then rinse it off. The coconut hair mask is also great for strengthening and adding shine to chevelure extensions. Just cover it to your chevelure and see the result.

2. Hair loss mask

The anti-hair loss cosmetic activates the rise of the chevelure follicle—one of the most effective mustards. Two tablespoons of burdock oil must be warmed up (should not be very hot). Combine some dry mustard and burdock butter. The resulting mixture must be used to the roots and washed off after 10-15 minutes.

You should instantly clean your head if you feel a burning sensation or itching after using the mask. A moderate burning sensation should be, this activates the sleeping bulbs, but as soon as you feel uncomfortable, it's time to clean off the cosmetics.

3. Nourishing and shine hair mask

The best commodities for nourishing and gloss are kefir-based. Take liquid honey, 50 ml. kefir, and olive butter. Blend everything and use it for 30 minutes. Don't forget to heat your chevelure to have a better effect. Cover your head in a bag or film, heat up with a hairdryer, and place on a hat or towel. Thanks to warming up, the cosmetic will begin to work more effectively.

4. Home-made hair loss mask

Honey is a valuable component that has a magical action on the leather and chevelure. It can moisturise, eliminate loss and stimulate chevelure rise. You will need liquid honey to create a home-made honey cosmetic. The consistency must be rubbed in and kept for an hour. Clean off with room temperature water.

5. Egg moisturising hair mask

The egg chevelure commodity is a success because it only needs one yolk and a couple of lemon drops to make it. Apply full length, gargle off past 20 minutes.

Another version for creating an egg mask is adding coconut butter to the egg, shaking with a blender, and using it. This option works best for dried chevelure.

Egg-based masks should be washed off with slightly cool water so that the egg does not boil on your chevelure.

6. Avocado hair growth mask

Avocado improves blood circulation and activates the chevelure follicle. Take pulp, add one yolk and olive butter. Use for 20 minutes to the main length. After such a mask, clean your chevelure thoroughly.

7. Moisturising home hair mask with oils

Organic oils can restore and add gloss. Blend olive butter, burdock, and one teaspoon castor oil. Warm to room temperature. You need to keep it for 20-30 minutes.

Moreover, this commodity is ideal for chevelure extensions. Artificial chevelure does not receive moisture and therefore needs it especially. You can apply and leave this cosmetic on your chevelure extensions longer than on natural chevelure.

8. Vitamin hair mask

Vitamin mask is very similar to the previous recipe with oils. Take your favourites, which can be castor, almond, jojoba, or olive. Add 3-5 drops of liquid vitamins A and E, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, to this consistency. Do not apply it to the roots, but only to the main length. Wash off after 40-60 minutes.

9. Burdock hair mask

Take burdock oil and blend with egg yolk and one teaspoon of liquid honey. Keep on chevelure for 40-50 minutes. Repeat the procedure every other week to consolidate the effect.

10. Home-made masks for hair extensions

If you have natural chevelure extensions, then they especially need additional care and nutrition. Since chevelure extensions do not receive natural nourishment, masks should be regularly used to the ends. The best choice is a mask that will provide nutrition and hydration.

If you have synthetic chevelure extensions, then they don't need home-made masks. You can purchase a specialised mask to soften chevelure. More often than not, damaged synthetic chevelure cannot be repaired, so you will need to buy new ones if it deteriorates. Remember to use a heat protectant to keep your synthetic chevelure looking good.

ingredients for making hair masks placed at the table

Why do you need to do hair masks at home?

Chevelure continually suffers from the harmful effects of weather factors, and it is also adversely affected by poor urban ecology, permanent stress, unhealthy diet, and lack of vitamins. Styling products, curling, straightening, dyeing, and other hairdressing procedures also hurt the chevelure’s condition.

You need to provide chevelure with adequate nutrition to restore a healthy chevelure structure, give it shine, and masks will help you with this. Masks at home are easy to prepare, and they will be much more useful than balms. Store-bought products can only be used as a temporary measure and do not provide the full range of nutrients. This cosmetic feeds the chevelure along its entire length, makes stronger the roots, averts chevelure loss, and provides overall health.

You need to check if you have an allergic reaction before selecting a cosmetic and using it to your chevelure. Do not hold the consistency for too long, or if you feel discomfort. After home-made masks, you should thoroughly wash your chevelure and do not forget about the conditioner.

Home-made cosmetics are great for both weakened and healthy and strong chevelure. While you are restoring your chevelure, use chevelure extensions to add volume and create a beautiful look. For more tips visit JuvaBun.

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