Tangled Hair

How To Comb Tangled Hair? - JuvaBun

How to comb tangled hair?

The reason for tangly hair is not proper care and, as a result, damaged hair that easily gets tangled. Your hair comes in contact with clothing and skin every day. The scales rise, and the hair becomes less smooth. As a result, the hair becomes tangled. In winter, this process is exacerbated by sweaters and high collars. It also depends on the nature and structure of the hair. How easy is it to comb tangled hair and clip-on hair? You need to properly care for your chevelure to help your hair get tangled less often. In this article, you will learn why hair gets tangled and how to prevent it.

Determine your hair extension type

Hair is subject to constant influences, often breaks, splits, and gets tangled. Damaged chevelure is difficult to style even after a ton of care products. Hair extensions do not receive natural moisture and need to be looked after carefully. You need to moisturize and comb it regularly to keep your hair looking good and not tangly.

You need to figure out which extension method you have to untangle hair extensions

Extension method

How is it done?

Does your hair get tangled?

A cold extension

A cold extension is a tape method, it is the most gentle, but it lasts much less. In this method, hairbands are glued to the hair on an adhesive backing. A good craftsman will complete this procedure in an hour. 

These hairs are most often confused because the base with glue shifts and deforms as the hair grows, sometimes it completely leaves the initially set level, and the rest of the hair, both its own and artificial, is already entangled on it.

The hot extension 

The hot extension method implies fusing natural hair with hot keratin onto your chevelure. Hair suffers the most from this method.

The hair is almost not tangly with hot extensions, but the extension itself will damage the hair.

Clip-on hair extensions

Clip-on hair extensions are considered the safest and most natural way. These are various hairpins that are worn on top of the hair or under the strands to add volume to the chevelure.

If clip-on hair extensions are tangled, then the reason is most likely in improper care and combing.

What to do if your hair is very tangled?

What to do if your hair is very tangled?

If your hair is tangled, it is better to forget about the scissors because cutting the tangled strands is not an option. 

  1. You need to ask your friends for help to untangle tangly hair well. It will be challenging to detangle your chevelure on your own. 
  2. Try simply brushing your hair. 
  3. Apply an emollient spray and start brushing from the ends, working slowly towards the roots. Use a soft-bristled brush for detangling. 
  4. It is best to divide all your hair into several sections and brush them one at a time.

If your clip-on ponytail and a messy bun hairpiece are confused, it will be much easier to comb them, and you can handle it without additional help. The main thing is to try to detangle your hair as carefully as possible, do not pull so as not to pull them out. A clip-on ponytail can lose its attractive appearance if not properly cared for.

How to detangle hair extensions?

You need to be patient before you get down to unraveling. Tangled hair is much more difficult to remove than small knots. 

  1. Divide your hair into several small strands, so you will detangle it for a long time but effectively. 
  2. Do not brush your hair when wet, especially clip-on ponytail, the hair on clips, and a messy bun hairpiece.
  3. Apply oil or a greasy cream to your hair to make it easier for yourself; this will help prevent severe damage. 
  4. Dry chevelure, when detangled, can begin to split and, as a result, will not look well-groomed. 
  5. After detangling your chevelure with a greasy oil, you will need to wash it several times and use a hair conditioner.

Hairdressers advise combing it at least twice a day and braiding it overnight to avoid frequent hair tangling. A messy bun hairpiece and other hair accessories should be removed at night and periodically washed using moisturizing masks.

When is the best time to detangle your hair?

When is the best time to detangle your hair?

Detangling your chevelure is best before washing your hair. Use a flat brush to help detangle your hair more thoroughly. Always detangle the ends from the beginning and then work over the entire length of the hair. Starting at the top, you run the risk of further tangling the knots and complicating your task. 

After you have detangled and washed your chevelure, you can go over it with a comb to completely untangle any knots. In this case, you should perform the procedure again on wet hair but after removing the conditioner.

Handle your hair gently to avoid tearing it, especially if it is wet. Detangle your hair gently and use conditioner or mask again if necessary to ease the process. Wet hair should never be pulled, as it will only damage it.

You can brush coarse hair every day without any problem. You should only detangle wavy hair after using shampoo or conditioner while it is still wet. Dry hair is best combed with your fingers or a sparse-toothed comb.

An alternative to an air conditioner is two-phase products. They should be chosen depending on the hair’s nature and applied to the entire length and ends. The result is restored and silky chevelure.


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