Hair Care

How To Take Care of Hair in Summer: Best Tips

woman basking her hair in the summer heat
woman with beautiful hair for summer

We often face hair care problems, especially in the summer. The sun, heat, dryness, and seawater are the enemies of healthy hair in summer. Ultraviolet light harms hair quality and color. Scientists did research, during which they proved the harm of sunlight for the quality and hair color.

Swimming in pools and the sea is no less dangerous for hair. Due to the chlorinated pool water, the hair loses its protective oils and becomes highly vulnerable. After bathing in seawater, hair becomes dry due to the saltwater pushing moisture out of the hair.

Do drying products affect the health and beauty of hair?

In the summer, with improper care, the hair will not save even if you have never dyed or dried it with a hairdryer (or used an iron). However, not damaged by iron or hairdryer locks will survive hot days more easily. Overdried hair, due to a deficiency, absorbs more moisture than necessary, after which it breaks.

Summer hair care tips if you can't skip drying and straightening your hair:

If you blow-dry your hair:

  • after bathing, you need to wait a while so that the hair has time to dry out a little
  • use a heat protectant for hair before drying
  • keep the hair dryer away from your hair (about 10 centimeters)
  • dry the ends less than the root. This part of the hair is the easiest to damage

If you are using an iron or curling iron:

  • under no circumstances use these products on wet hair, it will damage them very much
  • apply for thermal protection before straightening or curling
  • use hair oil, spreading it over the ends
woman seating by the seashore

Follow The 5 Beauty Tips for Hair in Summer

1. Until the hot season begins, it is worth cutting the ends of your hair. They can start to split and become brittle, so a haircut will help to avoid this. If you do not want to lose volume, you need to remember that hair grows faster in summer than in the cold season.

2. Cover your hair with protective products when going outside. If you plan to spend a long time under the sun, it is worth wearing a hat. It will help not only your hair, but also your skin to survive, and hats can also protect you from sunstroke.

3. Before swimming in the sea, you should wet your hair, or apply conditioner to it, and after bathing, you should also wash your hair.

4. Using a moisturizing shampoo will play a serious role in getting the perfect summer hair too. Also, after hot days, it is better to rinse your head with water without shampoo to retain natural oils on your hair that protect your hair from drying out. You can also use dry shampoo, the best way will be the natural one, for example, cornstarch.

5. Try to use hairdryers or hair straighteners and curlers as little as possible. Your hair is already getting a lot of heat, train yourself to dry your hair without a hairdryer. If you want to save time, it is best to wash your hair before bed and tie your slightly dry hair in a bun or braid, then it will look naturally wavy. 

woman with short hair watching the sunset

The Tips for Healthy Hair in The Summer Include

  1. Maintaining moisture in the hair. To do this, you can periodically apply the mixture to your hair. Make this with avocado oil and aloe juice mixed with water.
  2. Replacing some care items with natural ones. Conditioner can replace apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil or shea butter can be used as a balm.
  3. Good sun protection. You can lightly apply sunscreen to your hair. You don't have to do this in abundance.

Also, life hacks on how to get perfect summer hair is combing. Don’t comb wet hair, because then they are very vulnerable and can pull out and break, it is best to gently comb the already dry hair. It is best to start at the ends, gradually working up to the root, this way the comb will not pull out the hair. It will be easier to detangle tangled areas.

To make your hair less vulnerable to UV light, you can braid it and do different hairstyles. This is very important for women who want to learn how to care for their long hair in the summer.

Summer hair care hairstyles:

  1. Ponytail. This hairstyle will make you feel more comfortable in the heat. As well as protect part of the hair roots from the sun.
  2. Not a tight braid. Tight hairstyles can break your hair. A braid will also help your hair not get so much sun exposure.
  3. Spikelet. As comfortable as a braid, but more reliable.A bundle. Ideal for a summer hairstyle, but you need to learn how to do it (it's worth it).

For all women, hair is an important factor in confidence in their beauty. In order not to worry that after a hot time you will have to go get a haircut, you should heed thjis JuvaBun advice for healthy hair in the summer

Read Also:  

Easy Hairstyles For Summer: Stay Fresh, Stay Trendy


Why is the sun bad for hair?

Ultraviolet light is harmful to hair because not only their appearance but also their structure suffers. Due to frequent exposure to the sun, hair burns out, becomes brittle, thin, and split.

Does the air temperature affect the condition of the hair?

The temperature has a very strong effect as the heat dries out the moisture in the hair. This makes them dry and brittle.

How often should you wash your hair in the summer?

It is recommended to wash your hair about four times a week in the summer. It is better to use a shampoo for oily hair to flush out the fat deposits from the heat.

Is it possible to restore split ends?

With the help of various means in the store, this is not possible. In beauty salons, there is a procedure when the master glues the ends together. It is best to cut them off and begin a thorough hair care routine.

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woman with her hair being blown by the air
lady with a long hair

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